What Is Technical Writing?

Technical writing applies to complex information that needs to be documented and/or simplified. In many cases, there is a business or client who has very technical knowledge on a subject and needs help translating that information into an easy-to-understand version for their clients, customers, or employees. For example, if the business needs a customer user guide or manual created for a new piece of technology, then someone from the business who is well-versed in how that technology works will share their knowledge with a technical writer in an interview. In this scenario, the expert with the knowledge is known as a subject matter expert (SME). The technical writer would then take the highly-technical, jargon-riddled information that they received from the SME and turn it into something that could be easily understood by someone who is not an expert-level user.

Although technical writing is commonly referred to under examples of this kind of documentation, it can also include product descriptions and specifications, datasheets, job applications, resumes, and more. For this reason, technical writing can essentially be applied to any document detailing technical content if the goal is to focus on document usability. Many technical writers are content creators for other styles of writing, but not every writer can be a technical writer. Being a technical writer requires a specific ability to translate technical information, to piece together information and create a coherent and useful document, and a knack for knowing what users/customers need. 


If you're in need of technical writing or editing, please contact us by email at ren@rennovateit.com, by phone at 972-454-0151, or by completing our Project Inquiry Form on our website.